Gleaners organizations exist to alleviate hunger and malnutrition. The local organization is the Rainbow Valley Gleaners [RVG] in White Salmon. Every Tuesday, volunteers collect available surplus food from many sources and bring it to the Grange Hall at 1085 Main Street. From 1:30 p.m. until 2:30 p.m. members of RVG can come to the Grange Hall and choose from the available food what they need to meet their own nutritional needs and those of their immediate family. The food must not be sold, exchanged or bartered with other people. Membership dues are $10 per month. Those who drive during any month do not have to pay dues for that month and volunteer drivers are needed now.
Call 493-3314 or visit the RVG on Tuesdays for more information. President Dan McBride and his cheerful volunteers are ready to share what they have collected.