After completing the Community Circles phase and the Action Forum phase, the Horizons Program moved into the Visioning phase. On Saturday November 3, 2007, many Bingen – White Salmon Horizons community members attended a visioning session at the Pioneer Center in White Salmon. Our facilitators were the very capable and effective Monica Babine and Dee Christensen from WSU Extension. Attendees reviewed the work done during several community circles earlier in the year and many focus areas were identified and then prioritized for future action. After discussion and deliberation, the top four Action Items were: Affordable Housing; Food and Garden Education; the Northside Community Education program; and Transformational Change Agency. Each attendee chose to join the Action Team of their favorite Action Item. It was tempting to want to join more than one. Each Action Team will promote work activities that fall within its focus area.
The steering committee that provides oversight of all Horizons activities in the Bingen – White Salmon area consists of Anne Goranson-Salas, Bruce Bolme, Deborah Grove, Martin Campos-Davis, Timi Keene, Ubaldo Hernandez, and Zoe Campbell. The group meets monthly, usually at Worksource in White Salmon. The groups next meeting is scheduled for January 24 at 10 a.m. Visitors and volunteers are always welcome. For more information you can call 493-5020 and ask for Anne.